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Over 40 volunteers from the Calgary Gray Cup Committee are getting some rest and relaxation over the next few days before loading up on all the goodies of a good time and heading east to Regina for this year’s Gray Cup.
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The Calgary Gray Cup Committee (CGCC) will begin the annual drive to join the 2022 Gray Cup Festival on Thursday, with weekend pancake breakfasts and an appearance by beloved Tuffy Nuff, Calgary’s equine representative.
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Tuffy Nuff, this year a black and white mare from Lionel’s Farm in Whitchurch-Stouffville, Ont., will make a surprise appearance somewhere in Regina in the days leading up to the Gray Cup.
Tuffy’s appearance each year, typically in a luxury hotel in the host city, has become a much-anticipated part of CGCC’s participation, and Dubyk said the committee looks forward to making it a special year.

“While the exact time and place of her appearance is under wraps until Thursday afternoon, we will plant some seeds that Tuffy will come to town and be ready to ride around. . . That’s part of the fun, the mystery of where Tuffy is going to be, so we’ll give clues and a few surprises along the way,” Dubyk said.
The committee is hosting two pancake breakfasts, one Friday and one Saturday, in Regina’s Confederation Park from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. In addition to serving 8,000 pancakes and 4,000 sausages, the committee will host Indigenous guests and performers, as well as the Calgary band High. Steppin’ Daddy and cheer on teams from the Stampeders, Tiger-Cats and Roughriders.
“This is a way to take some of that Calgary hospitality to other places to share and explain what Calgary is all about,” Dudyk said. “It’s all of these things along with that spirit — we’ll all be in western attire and giving the big yahoos — that will make for a fun time.”